asem Debt Collection Management
Leading Swiss debt collection solution for Switzerland
Your Challenge
- Missing or limited application support in the area of debt collection
- High manual effort for debt collection and loss certificate processes
- Missed deadlines
- Media disruptions and reduced data quality due to lack of integration of debtor management into the system landscape
Our Approach
A holistically integrated SAP application that covers all processes from the claim to the loss certificate based on workflow in real time
End-2-end automation of business processes in the area of receivables management
Standardised and optimised business processes according to Swiss legal principles
Electronic data exchange on the basis of eSchKG (Standard for the exchange of electronic debt collection data between natural persons, legal entities and debt collection offices under private and public law) 2.2.01
Bi-directional integration of peripheral systems such as adcubum SYRIUS and SAP components such as SAP FI-AR, SAP FI-CA, SAP PSCD and SAP FS-CD
With asem Inkasso debt collection solution we offer the only integrated and flexible, SAP-based debt collection software.
Your contact person
Dominic Peter
Account Executive
Efficient Debtor Management?
Debtor management has a direct effect on your cashflow – the backbone of your company. In spite of a declining payment imperative, how can you better manage your outstanding debtors? Special software solutions make your receivables management more effective and efficient.
Schweizerische Südostbahn
Die Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB) setzt auf emineo und SAP S/4HANA, um ihre strategischen Unternehmensziele zu erreichen. S/4HANA bildet nun alle Geschäftsprozesse optimal ab und erleichtert die digitale Prozessabwicklung im Bereich Portfolio und Projekte. So arbeitet die SOB schneller und besser. Read more »
Mit asem Inkasso profitiert Helsana von einer hocheffizienten Inkasso-Management-Lösung. Die Integration der Lösung mit zahlreichen anderen Systemen ermöglicht eine schlanke, hochautomatisierte und regelkonforme Abwicklung des Inkasso-Prozesses. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt hat Helsana volle Transparenz über Inkassofälle und Verlustscheine.Read more »