(Executive) Team Coaching

High performing teams for sustainable business success

Your Challenge

  • You want to build a powerful, strong performance collective as strong teams achieve more than the sum of their individuals – this is especially true at C-level management
  • Poor team performance: teams do not achieve their goals, are not sufficiently productive and innovative
  • Lack of team culture leads to difficulties, e.g. integration of new employees or achieving cooperation after a change of leadership becomes difficult
  • None or insufficient definition of a common team vision and mission as well as a set of goals

Our Approach

  • We support and accompany you in the sustainable establishment and continuous development of a high performing and resilient Executive Team.
  • Joint clarification and definition of the vision and the objective of the organisation including a “team contract”.
  • Systemic constellation work for deeper understanding and clarification of relationships and dynamics within the team in order to direct energies and strengths towards joint success
  • Swarm intelligence: strengthening productive collaboration and honouring other perspectives for collaborative success
  • Consulting and coaching for managers and supervisors, one-on-one coaching of team members for participation and development

Your contact person

Frank Landsiedel

Performance and Leadership Coach


Schweizerische Südostbahn

Die Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB) setzt auf emineo und SAP S/4HANA, um ihre strategischen Unternehmensziele zu erreichen. S/4HANA bildet nun alle Geschäftsprozesse optimal ab und erleichtert die digitale Prozessabwicklung im Bereich Portfolio und Projekte. So arbeitet die SOB schneller und besser. Read more »


Mit asem Inkasso profitiert Helsana von einer hocheffizienten Inkasso-Management-Lösung. Die Integration der Lösung mit zahlreichen anderen Systemen ermöglicht eine schlanke, hochautomatisierte und regelkonforme Abwicklung des Inkasso-Prozesses. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt hat Helsana volle Transparenz über Inkassofälle und Verlustscheine.Read more »


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