In conversation with Christian Meier

August 2023: The Principal Consultant talks about everyday challenges in his Department.

When did you join emineo?
I have been working at emineo since 1 April 2022 – no kidding!

What do you like about your job?
I enjoy helping SMEs progress in the production environment – from optimisations, process consulting and implementations to release changes. I am particularly motivated by challenges relating to development, its optimisation and master data management. It can sometimes go on till late at night. Being a great motivating factor, the contact and cooperation at eye level with leaders keeps me on my toes every day. The pragmatic and direct way of working at emineo suits my nature. I like to push things ahead. Companies in the industry cannot afford to have endless discussions – they have to get on it and keep growing.
I was a fire brigade commander for many years – this shirt-sleeved and hands-on manner is appreciated here and that keeps me motivated.

Why is emineo newly involved in the “Industry” sector?
We have been on the market for more than 20 years and emineo is a recognised player in the field of digitalisation in particular. We excel in the combination of SAP and developments in the area of OpenSource for complex environments. Discussions with potential Customers from the industry/production sector made the great potential here apparent. Many findings from larger companies are also relevant for SMEs. Accordingly, emineo has hired experts and expanded its service portfolio. Today (after only a few months), eight Customers are already using our products and services.

What does your department precisely do? How can you support industry customers?
The department provides a very broad range of services in specialised teams to SME Customers. Our strength is fast and pragmatic implementation. All our specialists are very familiar with the industry and know the special challenges SMEs face in the area of digitalisation. We have done away with eternally long concepts and complex systems with many interfaces – we implement what the Customer needs.

Can you give an example of a current project?
In the area of industrial and aviation products, we are working with a Customer who is replacing Microsoft AX with an SAP Greenfield approach. We are thus relying on a financially viable solution that can be quickly implemented. The search for the perfect approach is fun as hell for me.

You yourself joined emineo when you were over 60. What makes emineo attractive as an employer?
emineo is a very modern and dynamic company that nevertheless maintains a family culture. Everyone is there for everyone and the focus is always on the Customer. I can confirm the six values from our Code of Conduct (positive, pragmatic, excellent, respectful, responsible and collaborative) 100%. They regulate the expectations of our cooperation both internally and externally. Even at the age of 60, the daily exchange with young people brings me further every day and inspires me to keep my finger on the pulse of the time.

emineo is an expert in the field of digitalisation. What is your personal situation regarding digitalisation?
As I advise my Customers in these areas, I also have the ambition to keep learning more every day. I am always filled with childlike joy when I see how easily and quickly I can achieve tasks using my mobile phone nowadays (scanning health insurance receipts, making payments via Twint, etc.).
I am also pleased to see that receipts can now also be photographed and posted in the SAP area, e.g., with an iPad via the Fiori app (#big-smile).

What do you wish for the future?
I want to keep this childlike joy of discovery, stay curious and be able to discuss IT trends with family and friends. Professionally, I would like to have many exciting SME Customers from the industrial sector. Our great team yearns to achieve more.

Christian Meier
Principal Consultant

“The Principal Consultant is happiest when something is going on.”



Patrick Meister
Head of Marketing & Communications


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